- Publisher
CABI - Published
21st May 2012 - ISBN 9781780640174
- Language English
- Pages 256 pp.
- Size 8.25" x 11"
- Images 14 color images
Animal Science Reviews 2011 provides scientists and students in animal science with timely analysis on key topics in current research. Originally published online in CAB Reviews, this volume makes available in printed form the reviews in animal science published during 2011.
1. Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS): detection, distribution and combat
2. Tackling dog obesity by tackling owner attitudes
3. Animal welfare - recent developments in the field
4. Livestock and climate change, challenges and options
5. Grasshoppers in agrosystems: pest or food?
6. Stress and immunity in the pig.
7. Effects of industrial agriculture on climate change and the mitigation potential of small-scale agro-ecological farms
8. Masitinib - a targeted therapy with applications in veterinary oncology and inflammatory diseases
9. Understanding the survival strategies of nematodes 10. Life-cycle assessment of farrow-to finish pig production systems: a review.
11. Does brain lateralization have practical implications for improving animal welfare?
12. Transgenesis in animal agriculture and zoonotic disease resistance
13. Bioinformatics approaches to livestock animal genomics research
14. Compost barns - an alternative housing system for dairy cows?
15. The mechanisms of prion disease
16. Animal diet formulation models: A review (1950-2010)
17. Understanding Amoebic Gill Disease
18. Rates and risk factors for contagious disease and mortality in young dairy heifers
19. Visible genetic polymorphisms in domesticated animal species
20. Escherichia coli O157 - sources of infection and risk assessment
David Hemming
David Hemming is an experienced commissioning editor who has been inviting specialist authors to publish in CABI Reviews for over 20 years. He also commissions books on invasive species, international development and biotechnology. He is also interested in the application of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion principles with science and publishing. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh in Genetics in 1983 and gained a Ph. D. in Genetics in 1988, a Diploma in Science Communication in 1997 and was awarded an Open Degree in Creative Writing, Music and Literature in 2016.