Coffee Pests, Diseases and their Management
April 2007
More details
- Publisher
CABI - Published
30th April 2007 - ISBN 9781845931292
- Language English
- Pages 400 pp.
- Size 6.875" x 9.75"
Price collapse and oversupply have made coffee a high-profile crop in recent years: never has efficient production and crop protection been more important for reducing costs and increasing quality. Packed with illustrations, this book covers the origins, botany, agroecology and worldwide production statistics of coffee, and the insect pests, plant pathogens, nematodes and nutrient deficiencies that afflict it. With emphasis on integrated crop management, this book reviews control measures suitable for any coffee pest or disease and will enable agriculturists to design and implement sustainable pest management systems.
The basics of the coffee crop
World Production
Insect pests
Stem and branch borers
Berry feeders
Bud, leaf, green shoot and flower feeding insects
Root and collar feeding insects
Diseases, nematodes, nutrient deficiencies and physiological disorders
Foliage and shoot diseases
Berry diseases
Wilt diseases and diseases of the root and stem
Nutrient deficiencies and physiological diseases
Integrated crop management
Nursery management, transplanting and crop maintenance
Shade management, conservation and biodiversity
Post harvest and processing pests and microbial problems
Integrated pest management and pest management technology