Sustainable Livestock Management for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security

May 2012
More details
  • Publisher
  • Published
    21st May 2012
  • ISBN 9781845938277
  • Language English
  • Pages 208 pp.
  • Size 6.875" x 9.75"
  • Images tables, figures & b/w photos

Good animal husbandry practices and animal health are vital for people living in poorer countries. This practical learning manual is a realistic guide for those who are responsible for training farmers in poor countries, taking into account traditional farming systems, existing inputs and resources, sustainable farming initiatives and advising on the right approaches to training. The overall aims are to improve the condition and health of livestock in poor countries and the lives of the people in these countries.

"As a learning guide, this book is well-researched and comprehensive and has used the effective formatting of commencing each chapter with an itemized list of learning goals while the texts are organized in short paragraphs that are strategically interspersed with boxes, sketches, figures and graphs, presented in contrasting but subtle colour coding. All these enhance its appeal and accessibility and make it an indispensable tool for livestock development programming at all levels."

Ajuruchukwu Obi, University of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa - , International Journal of Agricultural Management

1 - Trends in the livestock sector
2 - Livestock development approaches
3 - Methodologies, organisations and networks in Endogenous Livestock Development
4 - Differentiating four livestock production systems
5 - Livestock keeping systems and poverty
6 - Characteristics of smallholder low-input & diversified livestock keeping
7 - Characteristics of smallholder more specialized livestock keeping
8 - Changing from smallholder low-input & diversified to more specialized livestock keeping
9 - Recommendations for optimising smallholder low-input & diversified livestock keeping
10 - Recommendations for optimising smallholder more specialized livestock keeping
11 - Finding Pathways to Markets
12 - Challenges and Best practices in Livestock Development support
Appendix 1 - Overview of principles and practices for optimizing smallholder low-input & diversified and more specialized livestock keeping

Katrien van t'Hooft

Katrien van t'Hooft is at the ETC Foundation, The Netherlands.

Terry Wollen

Terry Wollen is at Livestock Advocacy, Heifer International.

Dilip P. Bhandari

Dilip P. Bhandari is at Heifer International.