California Foundations of Education

Educational Development within a Diverse Social History

October 2019
More details
  • Publisher
    Myers Education Press
  • Published
    28th October 2019
  • ISBN 9781975502171
  • Language English
  • Pages 160 pp.
  • Size 6" x 9"
  • Images tables
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November 2019
More details
  • Publisher
    Myers Education Press
  • Published
    4th November 2019
  • ISBN 9781975502164
  • Language English
  • Pages 160 pp.
  • Size 6" x 9"
  • Images tables
  •    Request Exam Copy
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November 2019
More details
  • Publisher
    Myers Education Press
  • Published
    14th November 2019
  • ISBN 9781975502188
  • Language English
  • Pages 160 pp.
  • Size 6" x 9"
  • Images tables

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November 2019
More details
  • Publisher
    Myers Education Press
  • Published
    14th November 2019
  • ISBN 9781975502195
  • Language English
  • Pages 160 pp.
  • Size 6" x 9"
  • Images tables
  •    Request E-Exam Copy

Using details from California’s unique, diverse social and political history makes the potentially dry foundations course into a very personal and dynamic topic for students to wrap their minds around. 

The book is a critical analysis of the evolution of educational policies that frame teachers’ and students’ roles and responsibilities in the historical and contemporary context of public education and thoroughly covers topics such as school segregation; the political structure of the state; bilingual education, school funding, NCLB, school choice, how policies arise and how they are legislated.

Perfect for courses such as:
Educational Foundations | Social Foundations of Education | Introduction to Teaching Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Instruction

“Jana Noel’s book explicates the forces that have shaped California’s educational system–and in turn California itself–in profound ways. She illustrates how the beliefs and actions of people and policymakers in communities and in the courts play out in materially important ways, from the earliest days of Statehood with its nascent public school system, to its 19th and 20th century struggles and strivings to expand educational opportunities to non-white children, right through the more recent days of A Nation at Risk, NCLB, the ESSA act, and including current issues related to school choice and privatization. The scope of the book is sweeping: she clarifies how policies arise and are shaped by subsequent legal decisions, tackling big-ticket issues such as how schools are funded, who controls budgets, who decides what gets taught (and what gets left out), what gets assessed, who gets certified to teach, and how all of these issues relate to equity and social justice in a state that has seen more change demographically, socially, and economically than any other state in the union. Any serious student of the history of education in California – and indeed the history of California more generally – will find this work illuminating.”

“I enjoyed how accessible and useful this is for teacher candidates and even faculty. This text is critical to the work we do to prepare socially- and politically-aware educators. Noel succinctly captures the historical and contemporary foundations of K12 education in California that weaves in pertinent issues of race/ethnicity, culture, and language. The use of reflective and action-based discussion questions make this an essential read for K12 educators and teacher education faculty.”

Patricia D. López, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, California State University, Fresno

California Foundations of Education is an outstanding effort to provide a clear, competent, well-organized history of schooling and education in California, with particular attention to the evolution of politics and policies that has shaped and re-shaped formal public education throughout the state’s history. The book is an essentially significant contribution to those preparing teaching professionals for work in California schools. It is a critical analysis of the evolution of educational policies that frame teachers’ and students’ roles and responsibilities in the historical and contemporary context of public education. Dr. Noel’s book would be an invaluable resource in teacher education/credentialing courses, as well as graduate courses in foundations/history/politics of education in California. I could see where this book might be considered an adopted foundational text in schools of education. Required reading.”

Thomas G. Nelson, Professor of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education, University of the Pacific

Introduction: Diverse from the Start 

Chapter 1.  History and Purposes of Education in California

Chapter 2.  Political Influences and Organizational Structure of Education in California

Chapter 3.  Funding Education in California

Chapter 4.  Curriculum, Content Standards, and Instructional Materials

Chapter 5.  Assessment and Accountability Practices and Issues

Chapter 6.  Immigration and Language Policies in California Education

Chapter 7.  Family and Community Engagement

Chapter 8.  The Teaching Profession, California Style

Appendices. (A) Education Code

     (B) California Department of Education

     (C) California Commission on Teacher Credentialing 


Jana Noel

Jana Noel (Ph.D. in Philosophy of Education, UCLA) is Professor of Education and former Director of Educational and Community Research Partnerships at Sacramento State University. Dr. Noel created and coordinated the Sacramento State Urban Teacher Education Center, which moved a teacher education program off the university campus and into a school serving children from public housing. Her book on this and other similar programs, Moving Teacher Education into Urban Schools and Communities: Prioritizing Community Strengths, received a 2013 Critics Choice Book Award from the American Educational Studies Association. She has published numerous articles and several books, and has received both research and service awards. She has received grants from the Spencer Foundation to study the segregated "Colored Schools" of 1860s California and Native American Boarding Schools of the late 1800s. She currently directs two large, U.S. Department of Education funded grants preparing diverse students for educational research and preparing Latinx students to become teachers and advocates in their communities.

Accountability, Curriculum, Funding, History, Immigration, Language, Multicultural, Politics, Purposes, Teachers